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published_by is your AI scheduling assistant. Get your personal email assistant ( that you can forward emails to or have a conversation with. will automatically schedule meetings for you.

Example questions:

  • "Book a meeting with @cal-user this week at a good time"
  • "Find a time to meet with this week"
  • "Move my meeting with [Someone's Name] to next week"
  • "What does my week look like?"
  • "When is my next meeting?"
  • "What is my least busy day next week?"
  • "Cancel the meeting with [Someone's Name]"
  • "Reschedule the meeting with"
  • "Is @cal-user busy on Friday at noon?"
  • "Move my meeting at 2pm tomorrow to next week on Friday at 5pm"

Or, any of that in a thread:

  • What meetings do I have this week?
    • Meeting 1, Meeting 2
  • Cancel that first meeting

Or, doing multiple things:

  • Cancel all my meetings tomorrow then book a quick chat with @joe at noon, a long meeting with @jane at 1 (both tomorrow). Also see if Toby is down to grab dinner this week ( Finally send me my updated agenda of everything I have coming up in the next couple days.


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